P.O. Box 509124
San Diego, CA 92150
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Fast Fact: As many as 1 in 5 Americans have errors or mistakes that are serious enough to affect their credit scores to point of being denied new credit or the refinancing of existing credit.
Teletrack is a consumer reporting agency. Teletrack collects consumer information about, and provides data to, payday lenders, rent-to-own businesses, furniture stores that offer financing, auto finance companies, high risk consumer finance businesses, subprime home lending businesses, subprime credit card issuers, banks, credit unions, cable/telecom companies and debt buyers/collectors. Teletrack is affiliated with CoreLogic. Your Teletrack report may contain your full name, previous names used, address, previous addresses, date of birth, and other personally identifiable information.
Teletrack is located in San Diego, California.
You should dispute any information appearing on your Teletrack report in writing if you feel as if it is inaccurate.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) regulates the consumer reporting agencies’ responsibilities as to your report. There are many things consumer reporting agencies are required to do as it pertains to their reporting. Consumer Reporting Agencies must:
Your best option is to consult with a consumer protection attorney if you believe your rights are being violated.
Vullings Law Group, LLC d/b/a VullingsLaw is not responsible for the content of the consumer comments provided here. Vullings Law neither supports nor provides any opinion as to the statements made herein.